Racing with Heart

I’ve heard the term “heart” used to describe an athlete’s performance, aka whether or not they had “heart” during game day. What the eff does that mean? I think it’s related to risk: trying a play that has low odds of success but could win the game. Coming back from a loss, injury or mistake, making up lost time and winning anyway. It’s easy to give up when things start going wrong, how could you possibly make up lost time AND still beat your competition? After all, you were already going as hard as you could go.

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Goal setting for the rest of us

According to the internet: * Goals should be specific, have a deadline, and have measurable results * Goals should be bite-sized and focused * Goals are bullshit, don’t make them A friend told me today that I’m really good at sticking with goals, which I find odd since I think I’m terrible at setting goals. I constantly set goals (meditate every day) and never do them (yeah I did that for maybe a week). But some goals, like train for an upcoming triathlon, are easy for me. Why is that?

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Healthy eating rage

It’s usually when I’m staring down at a tupperware container of Chia seed pudding when I question my sanity. If you’ve never had it, chia seeds, unlike Chia Pets, well, actually nevermind they are the same. You’re basically eating a chia pet, if you zapped it with a laser to melt it, and then stuck it in a blender. It’s like tapioca, but somehow _more_ gelatinous.

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